June 2024

A Death Like No Other Part 1

Matthew 27:32-54
Key Truth: The death of Jesus reveals the heart and holiness of God.
Sermon Outline: http://bible.com/events/49276051
Sermon: https://www.youtube.com/live/koUvJTOGYAA?si=wNrAQZIbb2FisUuM

Choosing The Wrong Savior Part 2

Matthew 27:11-26
Key Truth: Every person must decide if they will trust Jesus as Savior or seek to justify themself before God.

Choosing The Wrong Savior Part 1

Matthew 27:11-26
Key Truth: Every person must decide if they will trust Jesus as Savior or seek to justify themself before God.

The Tale of Two Disciples Part 2

Matthew 26:69-75; 27:1-10
Key Truth: Failure can lead to shame, but shame should lead us to Jesus and the community of faith.

The Tale of Two Disciples Part 1

Matthew 26:69-75; 27:1-10
Key Truth: Failure can lead to shame, but shame should lead us to Jesus and the community of faith.

May 2024

Humanity At Its Worst and God At His Best

Matthew 26:47-56
Key Truth: Jesus’ love for us, allowed Him to surrender to the will of the Father.

In God’s Will, We Find Our Peace

Matthew 26:30-46
Key Truth: Crisis is a vital part of the human experience, but Christians are not without a caring God who has a remedy for any situation we face.

Not Your Average Meal

Matthew 26:17-29
Key Truth: God instituted Communion in order for us to remember what He had sacrificed for us in order for us to be redeemed back to Him.

How Do You See Jesus? How’s Your Worship? Part 2

Matthew 26:1-16
Key Truth: Our view of Jesus determines our response to the gospel message.

How Do You See Jesus? How’s Your Worship? Part 1

Matthew 26:1-16
Key Truth: Our view of Jesus determines our response to the gospel message.

July 2017

Growing Through Persecution

“Growing Through Persecution” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

June 2017

A Message Worth Dying For

“A Message Worth Dying For” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

Growing Pains

“Growing Pains” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

Obeying God Is A Risk Worth Taking


Dying To Look Good

“Dying To Look Good” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

May 2017

Proclaiming The Gospel With Boldness

“Proclaiming The Gospel With Boldness” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

Jesus Makes All The Difference

“Jesus Makes All The Difference” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

Life In Christian Community

“Life In Christian Community” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

Limitless Power For An Unstoppable Mission

“Limitless Power For An Unstoppable Mission” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

April 2017

Lessons We Learn From Judas’s Betrayal

“Lessons We Learn From Judas’s Betrayal” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.