It is our deep desire at Beyond the Walls to continually be moving together toward a deep connection with God, with one another, and with the community and world we are called to reach. We desire to see everyone move from the isolation and individualism that rule our day toward the radical and counter-cultural experience of Biblical community.
If you are a newcomer desiring to learn more about the ministry of our church, join us at one of our Discover events. Discovery happens on a regular basis, please sign up for a Discover Class at our information table.
During Discover you will have the opportunity to hear the story of our church and learn about the vision and values which shape our ministry. Discover events are casual and there will be time for discussion and questions.
Partnership is the best way to communicate the relationship between a church family and its individual members. Our members “partner” with each other in a mutually beneficial and mutually submissive covenant relationships. If you are interested in pursuing membership with us, here is the process:
•Attend Discovery to learn more about the ministry of our church.
•Attend Connection and complete a Membership Covenant/Form.
•Be presented to the congregation at an upcoming Sunday Membership Ceremony.