June 2022

Walking In Wisdom Part 1

Proverbs 1:1-7 Key Truth: We receive wisdom by being teachable, submitting our hearts to Jesus, and surrendering every aspect of our lives to Him.

Joseph Reunites With His Family

Genesis 46:1-4, 28-30 Key Truth: Love and forgiveness are key ingredients for sustainable family relationships.

May 2022

Joseph Forgives And Reconciles With His Brothers Part 2

Genesis 42:1-11 Key Truth: As we submit and trust, God restores relationships and reconciles the past for His glory.

Joseph Forgives And Reconciles With His Brothers Part 1

Genesis 42:1-11 Key Truth: As we submit and trust, God restores relationships and reconciles the past for His glory.

Joseph: Imprisoned But Not Forgotten

Genesis 41:1-16 Key Truth: God never wastes our pain. He can use it to prepare us for a greater purpose.

Joseph: Imprisoned But Not Broken

Genesis 40:1-23 Key Truth: Some key ingredients to overcoming your circumstances is patience and faith in God to work on His timetable.

Joseph Goes To Prison

Genesis 39:1-10 Key Truth: Though Joseph faced many challenges, God continued to show him favor for His purposes.

Family Drama

Genesis 37:1-11 Key Truth: God uses trials, tragedies, and temptations to shape you into His perfect will.

April 2022

Winning The War Within

Galatians 5:16-26 Key Truth: The goal of Christian maturity is not trying to sin less but rather surrendering every area of your life under the authority of the Holy Spirit.

Hope Has Risen!

1 Peter 1:3-9 Key Truth: Jesus Christ’s resurrection brings new birth and secures eternal hope for all who trust in Him.
