The Tragedy of Forgetting Whose We Are and Who We Are

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Sermon Notes

1 Corinthians 6:1-11
Key Truth:When Christians argue and fight (conflict) in the public sphere it brings discredit upon the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We Have A New Family:

  1. God is our Father.
  2. We put family first.
  3. We may disagree with family but we always protect family unity from outside interference.                                                                               a. We don’t want to embarrass the name of our Father.

How To Deal With Conflict Among Family:

  1. We should submit to the authority of the word.
  2. We should submit to the judgement of the local church.
  3. We should be willing to suffer loss rather than to take our disputes before unbelievers.

 Why Discipleship Is So Important:

  1. It helps us live out the Great Commandment in practical ways. Matthew 22:34-39
  2. Our relationship with one another is the principal witness of our faith.
  3. Our new identity in Christ should determine how we live presently.   
  4. We are not to be known by our past life.
            a. We have not only been declared righteous we have been given the power to live righteous lives.
            b. The sins of this present world should not be named among the children of God.
            c. If our lives are characterized by theses sins then it is an indicator that we have not been born again.
