January 2020

How Big Is Your God?

Key Truth: As a Christian your vision of yourself and your circumstances will either hinder you or propel you into God’s divine purpose for your life.

New Year, Same Fight!

Key Truth: Many Christians are characterized as champions for Christ due to their continued fight to press on in spite of many life difficulties.

December 2019

A New Year’s Resolution…

Key Truth:  Through the power of the cross, Christians live new lives marked by sacrifice and holy living.
Galations 2:20-21

Christmas: Child or King?

Key Truth: The story of Jesus is a threat to those who are primarily committed to their own glory.

The Word in Action

Key Truth:  Jesus Christ became a human being in order to show us the glory of God.

The Gospel According to Jonah

Key Truth: As Christians our attitudes, concerns, and priorities should reflect the heart of God.
Jonah 4:1-11

Game of Thrones

Key Truth:  God shows His grace when individuals and nations repent and turn to Him.

November 2019

Man Overboard

Key Truth: The Lord went overboard to rescue Jonah. He has and continues to go overboard to rescue us.
Jonah 2:1-10

You Can Run, but You can’t Hide

Key Truth:  God’s love and mercy extends to all His creation not just His covenant people.

How Do You See It?

Key Truth:  True faith in our Lord Jesus Christ will allow us to see the invisible, believe the impossible, and live an unimaginable life.
Numbers 13:1-4, 25-33