February 2021
God Is Worthy of Your Praise
Psalm 66:1-20
Key Truth: As Christians, we should let our praise and testimony be our witness to the world that God is real and worthy of our trust, love and obedience.
January 2021
Salvation, The Greatest Thing We NEVER Earned
Romans 11:11-24
Key Truth: God’s plan for salvation was and is His alone.
Living With Purpose
Matthew 5:13-16
Key Truth: God has created each disciple to teach another and share in His majesty. We all have a purpose from God to shine His light.
The Fear Factor
Matthew 14:22-33
Key Truth: Fear is an idea that cripples your faith and limits your spiritual growth.
Rejoicing In God During Uncertain Times
Key Truth: How we react and respond to God’s plans shows our faith.
December 2020
The Loving Discipline of Christ
Hebrews 12:4-11
Key Truth: Jesus Christ wants us to choose His love and submit to His will and authority. He uses discipline to lovingly train us in righteousness.