June 2021

The Disciples Short-Term Mission Trip – Part 1

Mark 6:7-13

Key Truth: Christian ministry can be joyful, exhausting, and often opposed, yet it is the greatest privilege we ever receive from Jesus.

The Disciples Short-Term Mission Trip – Part 2

Mark 6:7-13

Key Truth: Christian ministry can be joyful, exhausting, and often opposed, yet it is the greatest privilege we ever receive from Jesus.

Jesus Rejected At Home

Mark 6:1-6

Faith Overcoming Fear Part 2

Mark 5:35-43

Key Truth: Jesus’ miracles demonstrate His healing power and His authority to radically transform us.

Faith Overcoming Fear Part 1

Mark 5:35-43

Key Truth: Jesus’ miracles demonstrate His healing power and His authority to radically transform us.

May 2021

No Ordinary Touch

Mark 5:21-34
Key Truth: Even though life can be very hectic, leaving us void of the realization of someone in dire need. Jesus realizes our need and He is there when we sincerely call upon Him.

A Meeting With a Tormented Soul

Mark 5:1-20

Key Truth: The gospel tells us that we no longer have to fear sin, the world, and Satan; they are defeated foes. 

JESUS is Greater Than Your Storm

Mark 4:35-41

Key Truth:  When facing difficulties, we must remember that Jesus is in control and working in the midst of our trials to make us more like Him.

The Kingdom of God Explained

Mark 4:21-34

Key Truth: God is at work growing and expanding His kingdom in the world today.

One See, Many Hearts

Mark 4:1-20

Key Truth: God has given every human a heart, the question is how you choose to use it concerning Him.